Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is the nutritional difference between an apple with green skin versus an apple with red skin - if any??

I've been placed on what appears to be a detox diet by my personal trainer, and where the diet calls for an apple, it specifically says GREEN apple. Is there really a nutritional difference from skin color to skin color?What is the nutritional difference between an apple with green skin versus an apple with red skin - if any??
Most likely you were told green so you wouldn't eat Red Delicious- they tend to have less fiber and more sugar than other types. I would suggest Granny Smith if you can go tart, or Fujis for a nice firm apple. Avoid any that are bigger than your fist- typically, these are stressed with fertilizers to make them bigger, which is all water and no nutrition.What is the nutritional difference between an apple with green skin versus an apple with red skin - if any??
Its the type of sugar in the apple that's different. If it says green, you have to have a green apple. I think your personal trainer probably knows what he/she is doing.…

This link will give you more information than you really want but it is easy to scroll through and find the information you are want.
I don't know about apples. but I do know the red-leaf lettuce beats all other kinds. I do not exactly remember, I read somewhere. And because these days you need to be an encyclopedia of information to make educated choices, I did not retain the details of that article, just the bottom-line that the red-leaf is better.
There is a difference, but the red apple is considered better because the red pigments in the apple's skin have antioxidant properties. I think the detox diet specified green because it superficially seemed ';purer,'; which it really was not!

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